Humanity knew they could not change society,



Welcome to my Guilty Gear page!!!:333 As with every other, this page is a BIIG ol' wip! X3 HOWEVRS. This page is SUPERS important to me bc. uhm. well. as u can probs tell im a BIIIIIIIIIIG guiltygear fans thignys ^_^ teeheee:33:33:33cc!!!!111X33

Silver's Guilty Gear Lore Summary
(Begining - Overture)

Hai! :3 This is a short, kindaaa messsy guilty gear lore explanation thignys i wrote 4 discords thignys 1 timesies !!:33 im suuuuupers sorys if tgheres an lore inaccuries /mistakes thignys heres !! i just wrotes it froms memories mostlys !! OH ALSOS it onlys covers main gg lore! ALOTTAS character lore thignys goes unmentioneds unforchies !!:33 BTWBTWBTBWS its onlys ups til xrd !!:33 BC UHMMMS . xrd is my favs guiltygaers games thignys adns alsos.idonts wanna explains alls of tghats sorysssssss:333 I HOPE YUO ENJOYSSS:33:33:333!1111X33

Ok so to summarize from the beginning of the lore to Xrd I'll split up the lore by games, and before the games

The Lore Before The Games: Okay so, Guilty Gear lore all began with the Jesus Christ of the Guilty Gear universe, a mysterious man who (known as The Original), discovered the backyard, which is essentialy a place containing the code of the universe! Inside the backyard, The Original created something call the Universal Will, a construct made to protect humanity and not harm humans as to stop it from become your stereotypical evil robot. Anyway the Universal Will can also be called the Merciless Apocalypse so you'll never guess what it did. The Universal Will couldn't find a definition of "Humanity" and so tried to make it's own definition, wiping the slate of the earth clean to do so. However, the Universal Will wasn't quite successfull in doing so- It simply destroyed all technology, forcing it to stop working, guns, phones, etc, later becoming contraband and kinda just illegal in the Guilty Gear universe. Luckily, The Original left the backyard to teach humanity magic to replace their technology- Magic simply being editing the code of the universe. Ya it's just programming lolzies :3 The Original had many disciples, but most important is Asuka R. Kreutz, bc he's the only twink who got shit after The Original left, The Original leaving earth and returning to the backyard, assumedly to deal with the Universal Will, after helping humanity learn magic. He gave Asuka R. Kreutz the Tome of Origin, which is a lil nerd book with the essence of the backyard/the code of the universe sealed into it! :3 Anyone who has it can edit the code of the world, p much!

Anyway much much MUCH later three friends begin to work on a science project- These three are known, for now, as Frederick Bulsara, Aria Hale, and Asuka R. Kreutz. They find themselves working on a project to help with diseases & stuffs, using their own kind of cells to help cure thignys :3 The project was dubbed the Gear Project, and the cells, well, Gear Cells !!:333 However, things didn't go so well for the trio. None of them wanted the military to use their research for war, but they ended up doing so anyway lolzies. Sol badguy says fuck the military! And Aria Hale became deeply ill, and was going to pass away. Frederick, the two of them in love at the time, wanted to freeze her in time, try and cure her, do anything to save her or atleast keep her alive for now so he and Asuka can try and save her later. But she refused. All she wanted to do was live in the moment, with her friends.

And she made Frederick promise something. She made him promise that when she dies, Frederick won't be alone. "So please, promise me. Frederick. Promise me you won't be alone."

Later, during development of the Gear Project, what would be known as the very first Prototype Gear was created- By Asuka R. Kreutz, to Frederick Bulsara.

Frederick was infused with the Flame of Corruption, transforming him into a horrific beast, called the Prototype Gear. Frederick eventually went on to create a Gear Cell Suppressor, in the form of a headband he'd near always wear, to stop him from transforming into the beast, and instead looking slightly more normal- Although he had became significantly more. Uhm. Buff. frederickkkkk nooooo dont take the cells that make you bara haha >_<

Anyway, after Frederick was transformed into a Gear, Aria eventually agreed to be cryo-frozen because of it-

But it didn't go so well, as her cryo-frozen self disappeared a while later, Asuka kidnapping her and transforming her into what would be called the First Gear, Justice.

As the military began to use the Gear Project for their own means, Gears began spawning all across Japan- And Asuka was forced to do something to stop this mess.

So, he told Justice to fire a beam at Japan, and blow it all up. She refused, of course, Still Aria and not wanting to nuke the entirety of Japan- She'd be killed by the guilt.

Asuka accepted and respected this-

So he simply removed her bodily autonomy by taking control of her and forcing her to blow up Japan, so she wouldn't be at blame. what a fuckin nice move my dude thgat totally fucking works you asshole

Anyway, as Justice fired at Japan, destroying it all, the combined stress of Fucking Blowing Up Japan and the Universal Will trying to drive her mad as she did so, noticing this big event, drove her. well. Mad. She waged war against humanity, Asuka R. Kreutz disappearing shortly after the destruction of Japan.

These wars would be known as the Crusades.

At the beginning of the Crusades, Frederick had gained a name for himself in the criminal underworld- And had been dubbed "Badguy", like the album by Frederick Mercury. And by "Like the queen song" I mean some guy, named Axl Low, literally says " the queen song.". Later, Frederick was found by a vampire, the last of his kind, named Slayer, who gave Frederick his first name; Sol, due to the firery passion the vampire saw in him.

And so, Frederick was (figuratively, due to self hate n stuff, to clarify) imprisoned, locked inbetween Gears-

As Sol Badguy became known.

Sol Badguy killed many Gears during the Crusades, eventually saving a man named Kliff Undersn, who, inspired by Sol, created the Holy Order awhile later.

The Holy Order became an organization set on destroying all Gears, and ending the Crusades. The Holy Order had many notable members, the two of most importance being,

A child Kliff found and adopted, named Testament,

And a french boy who really hated Gears, and joined the Holy Order the moment he was allowed, wanting to join since he was like 9, eventually joining when he was 10. By the time Ky was 15, he was considered a prodigy swordsman, and by 16, IIRC he was a commander in the Crusades.

Eventually, Sol joined the Holy Order, too- He did well, obviously, but he never got along with Ky, the two gaining a rivalry and hatred for eachother. Also Sol just like, REALLY hates french people specifically? Like he canonically thinks they're creeps. good for him ig.

Later in the Crusades, however, Sol betrayed the Holy Order, stealing a powerful weapon called the Fireseal from their armory-

However, Ky spotted him as he did so, going to stop him-

Only for Kliff to tell him that it's chill, actually, and Sol can just take the Fireseal and leave and that he like doesn't really mind bc that's Sol his friend Sol Badguy aw aw awwww so cutes so cutes sooo cutesss:3 :3 :33333

Later, Sol, wielding the Fireseal, went to face Justice in combat- Severely wounding her and leaving her to be imprisoned by the Holy Order, who just so happened to also be on their way to fight her-

However they arrived just after Sol did it for them. So, with Justice imprisoned, the Crusades came to an end, and we finally reach the beginning of the very first ever Guilty Gear game, where the franchise all began.

Guilty Gear Missing Link: After the imprisonment of Justice, the Crusades ended, and, much later, five years after the Crusades, the Second Holy Order Recruitment Tournament was held by a mysterious figure. Many went to this tournament- Sol, Ky, May, Johnny, Zato-ONE, etc etc.

But only one of them made it to the end. The winner of the tournament proved to be Sol Badguy, who then came face to face with his prize, and the person who started the tournament:


For some context, at some point during the Crusades, Testament had went missing and was never found. However, they were in fact transformed into a Gear. For some additional context, Justice was known as the Command Gear alongside the first Gear, due to her unique ability to control every Gear made after her.

Testament, having been ordered by Testament to kill Kliff Undersn, told Sol that he shall be a sacrifice to free Justice from her imprisonment, so that humanity may finally be destroyed.

Sol declined the offer.

Testament was insistent, however, and upon failing to defeat Sol in combat, instead sacrificed themselves to ressurect Justice-

Justice breaking free, a fight of Sol versus Justice erupting once more, for the very last time.

It was in this fight that a significant story point in Guilty Gear happened.

Sol took off his headband, and Justice was confused as to why she couldn't control him- He had a Gear Mark on his forehead, representing his fate as a Gear.

However, as the Prototype Gear, Sol was immune to Justice's control.

"Isn't it obvious? I'm the Prototype Gear. We were forged by the will of greedy human beings. And so, we're nothing more than a symbol of all that's wrong with the world. For that reason...I will never stop until I've destroyed every Gear."

"...So that's why...I seem to recall...The G...The Gear Project...Long, long ago...!?...That's right...Heh heh. H...How could I have forgotten you? If only we could have talked one last time...Just the three of us..."

He killed her, and as he did so, realized something:

Justice was Aria.

And so, Sol, the Guilty Gear, stared at his bloodstained hands and prayed...

...prayed for the soul of the grotesque sacrifice laying at his feet.

And so, Guilty Gear: The Missing Link ended.

Guilty Gear X: Long after the Missing Link ended, and the Second Holy Order Recruitment tournament was exposed for what it was, Testament survived, free of Justice's control and horrifically struck with guilt. Testament grew to hate themself, isolating themself in a forest as to keep themselves away from anyone else, punishing themself.

During this time, a girl had been raised in a small village, named Dizzy. She had no parents, but was taken in by some at the village.

Unfortunately, however, as she aged, she was ran out of the village- Gaining a long, lizard-like tail, and two wings, each wing being a creature in their own right; the beings Necro and Undine.

Dizzy eventually came to live in the forest, Testament realizing what had happened to her, and sympathising, deciding to, instead of wallow in self-hate for the rest of their life, dedicating their life to protecting Dizzy.

And so, a large bounty was put out for the head of a special Gear who lurked in a forest, rumoured to be a new Command Gear, much like Justice.

Much like the tournament, many went to slay Dizzy, some for the reward, some simply to investigate (Like Ky, for example) others merely to kill Gears (Like Sol, for example.).

But, once more, Sol was the one to reach the Gear.

Beforehand, however, he had a fight with Doctor Faust, who noticed something strange about Sol-

When he claimed that Gears don't deserve to live, and that he'll kill every last one of them,

Faust sensed that he may only have been describing himself.

Eventually, Sol came face-to-face with Testament once more, Testament promising not to lose for her sake.

Testament lost.

And so, Sol came to kill Dizzy.

Sol: Here you are. Dizzy: Did you... come to kill me? Sol: I came to find out. ...You a Gear? Dizzy: Don't Gears have a right to live? Sol: Gears are weapons. Even their hearts. Dizzy: I may be a weapon... but I don't want to hurt anybody! Dizzy: Please don't stand up again... Sol: Can't be helped. This is my ace. Dizzy: What is this feeling? Please, don't show hostility to me! Stop it, Necro!

^Sol and Dizzy's conversation, during their fight.

Eventually, Sol defeated Dizzy, and went to strike the finishing blow,

Only for Ky to stop him.

Dizzy: Aren't you... going to finish me off? Sol: I made a mistake. There are no Gears that want to die. Dizzy: Then... might as well be a Gear. This power to kill... Sol: Don't cry. It's annoying. Dizzy: Will we meet again? Sol: Do as you like.

^Dizzy and Sol's conversation, after he spared her.

Ky stopped Sol's sword with his own, however, he sensed something strange-

He believed Sol never raised his sword with the intention to kill. He wasn't going to harm Dizzy, even if Ky hadn't intervened.

And so, as Guilty Gear X came to an end, Ky and Dizzy began to become close friends, and Testament and Dizzy said their goodbyes as Dizzy left the forest, going to live with the famous- Or infamous, depending on who you asked- Jellyfish Pirates, the group of pirates led by Johnny.

Now, time for the sequelll yayaayyyyyyy:3

Guilty Gear XX: yes they fucking called it x then xx. i wonder what the sequel to this game will be called. ^_^ i love guilty gear xxx you should google it.

Anyway, Guilty Gear XX is a bit of a difficult one to summarize, so I'll be brief and prooobably kinda hard to follow f;skdf;gkjlsfdg. Tldr,

Guilty Gear XX, also known as the Midnight Carnival, was the first game appearance of I-No, the Witch of Hard Rock who comes from a future where everything is boring, bland, grey, and dead.

She wanted to change that future.

I-No was a servant of That Man (Known as Asuka to few.), however she went against his orders as he never ordered her to attempt to kill Sol-

The very thing she tried to do to change her future.

However, I-No knew that no-one could really kill Sol Badguy, so she found the only man who could:

Sol Badguy- From the past. Sol, from when had had joined the Holy Order. Even if present Sol had defeated this Sol, the paradox would have to kill him-


Anyway, during this time, multiple other adventurers also got up to their own shenanigans, a few listed here:

Ky discovered a robotic copy of himself, Robo-Ky, and was forced to fight it,

Anji searched for That Man's knowledge, encountering Testament on his path,

Baiken said gender is dumb as fuck,

Sol ran around with some random british guy from the past named Axl,

And a girl named Bridget desperately tried not to crack an egg. oh girl just wait til you see what happens in strive that egg is NOT staying intact girlie :3333

Anyway, to go back to I-No and Sol's interaction,

Present Sol had defeated Holy Order Sol, and afterwards I-No herself, although she survived their encounter.

Now to guilty gear xxx ^_^

Guilty Gear 2 Overture: aw man they didnt name it xxx

Ok so, a BIIIIIIIG timeskip happened in Guilty Gear Overture, both during it's own story and between Guilty Gear XX.

During this time, Ky was declared King of Illyria, and was in a secret relationship with Dizzy, unable to publicly marry her due to her being a Gear. Eventually, Sin Kiske was born, son of Ky and Dizzy, although he had to be raised in secret, due to the nature of Ky and Dizzy's relationship, unfortunately.

Sin also had to trade an eye with Ky, Sin having little control over his Gear powers, much like Sol when he first became the Prototype Gear without his cell suppressor. Ky took one of Sin's eyes, and gave him one of his own, Sol then making a Gear Cell Suppressor in the form of an eyepatch for Sin's other eye, as to give him better control over his powers. Due to this, Ky also somewhat gained Gear powers, although he simply suppressed his Gear eye with force of will.

Eventually, due to Ky's inability to raise Sin due to his duties as king, Sol took in Sin, raising him in the wild, teaching him very, very little despite Sol being incredibly smart, and, upon Sin asking for a weapon, telling him to "Go wave around a flag or something." causing Sin to use a flag as his main weapon after he took it literally.

So, with timeskips all covered, now to get into the main plot of Guilty Gear Overture:

Gears have been vanishing, seemingly into nothingness. Dizzy had began to vanish, alongside many, many other Gears- And nobody really knew why, but Ky was distraught and Sin was pissed at Ky for letting Dizzy begin to vanish so easily.

Meanwhile, Sin and Sol found themselves under attack by strange creatures, a seemingly never-ending horde of them, at that- Neither Gears nor humans attacking them.

Luckily for the two, Izuna, a fox-man from another plane of existence arrived to help the them deal with the horde, and teach them how to do so;

He taught the two that the creatures were something called Servants, spawned from a Masterghost, controlled by the wielder of said Masterghost, the Masterghost being a representation of that wielder's soul. Izuna taught Sol how to unleash his own Masterghost, and summon his own servants.

Afterwards, Izuna informed Sol and Sin of the creature's goals, to seek out and destroy all Gears- Their main point of interest being Illyria.

Izuna used his unusual powers to help warp the three of them to the capital of Illyria, encountering the army of creatures once more, and, finally, their leader;

Valentine- A woman with an uncanny resemble to Aria Hale (Which greatly disturbed Sol), who was searching Illyria for a "Key" of sorts. After making their way through Valentine's army, however, they find Ky is of no help to them-

Discovering the King of Illyria imprisoned by a spell, likely cast by Valentine- However, Izuna claims to know a spellcaster who can free Ky, taking Sol to meet him as Sin stays at the castle to guard Ky.

Sol, however, is surprised to discover that this spellcaster is, infact, a Gear-

A Gear by the name of Dr. Paradigm, living peacefully among a colony of Gears, all of them free from Justice's control, and unaffected by the vanishing caused by Valentine.

Despite being shocked by the Gears, Sol and Izuna eventually gained Paradigm's aid, the Doctor agreeing to help them free the King of Illyria.

Sol, Izuna, and Dr. Paradigm return to the castle, freeing Ky from Valentine's spell, Sol asking about Dizzy's status-

Ky giving no reply, not knowing what to say, Sin storming out in anger afterwards. Moments later, Ky shows what has happened to Dizzy:

She's partially vanished, however Ky has used the Thunderseal to seal her away, freezing her as to delay the vanishing. During this time, Paradigm discovers what Valentine had meant by a "key"- The cells of the first Gear, the Command Gear, Justice, Valentine wanting to access the backyard with those cells, to edit the programming of the universe-

The only living Gear that those cells belong to being Dizzy...-

Or Sin, grandson of Justice. And so, believing Sin to be hunted by Valentine, Sol and Izuna leave to search for him, Paradigm and Ky staying behind to guard Dizzy as they did so-

But they had arrived far too late, as Valentine had already left with Sin, leaving Sol and Izuna to track Sin and Valentine down, eventually discovering Valentine, and a dark, brainwashed, emo Sin inside a valley.

Sol, left with no choice but to fight, defeats Sin, bringing him back to his senses, the three of then attempting to follow Valentine-

...Only to be met with the full force of her army, heavily outnumbered- Although nowhere near outskilled...It'd still take a while to get through them all- And they didn't have a while to spare.

Luckily for them, however, Paradigm and Ky had, surprisingly, left the castle, following them to the valley-

...Alongside the the knights of Illyria, ready to take on Valentine's army.

Sin and Ky stayed behind alongside the knights of Illyria to fight Valentine's forces, as the others chased after Valentine, Ky apologising to Sin for his shitty ass parenting, and Sin promising to protect Ky because Dizzy'll be sad if he died.

Meanwhile, Izuna, Sol, and Paradigm, arrive at the gate to the backyard, but find it already sealed- Valentine having already entered. However, the gate opens itself, revealing That Man- Sol unleashing his Dragon Install, an ability that fully unleashes his Gear cells by removing his headband, to fight That Man-

...Only for That Man to leave the fight unscathed, merely testing Sol's fighting capabilities. Asuka aids them, however, giving them a magical blessing to protect them from the backyard- The backyard having very, very different gravity to earth, causing any regular being that enters it to be mercilessly crushed the moment they enter, the blessing being cast just in time for Sin to catch up with the trio.

Upon entering the backyard, the three of them discover Valentine already opening what she had been searching for-

The Cube. A construct made by Asuka R. Kreutz, somewhat akin to the Tome of Origin in the way that it can manipulate the properties on the backyard on a very, very large scale, allowing the wielder of it to manipulate the universe itself, only unlockable with cells taken from Justice...or one of her descendants.

Sin, Izuna, and Paradigm attempt to fight Valentine whilst Sol attempts to stop the Cube from being unlocked, succeeding, but just as Valentine decides to give up on fighting-

Claiming that she's going to self-destruct.

...Sin, Izuna, and Paradigm all fled the backyard, expecting Sol to follow suit.

Sol never followed them.

Sol, staying behind to fight Valentine, discovers that Valentine had merely faked her self-destruct, and instead had transformed into a far, far more powerful monster than before-

Battling her to the death, Valentine's emotions and memories flooding Sol's mind as he went to strike the final blow, Valentine uttering her last words;


Upon Valentine's defeat, Sol finds himself in an empty, white void, with seemingly no exit. Sin waits for Sol to leave the backyard. He has to come back. He has to.

That Man appears in the white void.

He and Sol share a discussion about Valentine, Aria, and their pasts that led them here, Asuka claiming that Valentine was involved in a Merciless Apocalypse that Sol is soon to be dragged into, aswell. Sol asked if Valentine was Aria, but Asuka simply said that they had killed her long ago.

Sol vowed to kill Asuka, and Asuka promised to wait for him, and Asuka returned Sol to the real world...

Sol reuniting with Sin and the others, much to their relief and joy.

Here is a b(r)i(d)g(et), wide full-width image:

Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium, totam rem aperiam, eaque ipsa quae ab illo inventore veritatis et quasi architecto beatae vitae dicta sunt explicabo. Nemo enim ipsam voluptatem quia voluptas sit aspernatur aut odit aut fugit, sed quia consequuntur magni dolores eos qui ratione voluptatem sequi nesciunt. Neque porro quisquam est, qui dolorem ipsum quia dolor sit amet, consectetur, adipisci velit, sed quia non numquam eius modi tempora incidunt ut labore et dolore magnam aliquam quaerat voluptatem. Ut enim ad minima veniam, quis nostrum exercitationem ullam corporis suscipit laboriosam, nisi ut aliquid ex ea commodi consequatur? Quis autem vel eum iure reprehenderit qui in ea voluptate velit esse quam nihil molestiae consequatur, vel illum qui dolorem eum fugiat quo voluptas nulla pariatur?

So instead of reflecting on themselves
this site is hentai free.jpeg
they blamed the beastARS X3