Fate Apophycra
I HAVBE. SOOOOOO MANY GOSH DANG THOUGHTS ON FATE APOPHYCRA BC ITS SOOO MID IT COULDVE BEEN GOOD BC OH MY GOSHH IT HAS SUCH A FUNNY CONCEPT BUT AOUGH AOUGH AOUGH ITS SOOO ASS ITS SO HECKIN MID OH MY GOSHH. gonna write sum more thoughts thangs laters n make this page more swags but for now here's a few of my thoughts i posted on discords !!:33
Also!!! I should note that I was pretty over-critical of the series in some of these probably fsdkgskfg, and they may be kinda weird 2 read bc they're copypasted from discord!!! I'll write some more coherent thoughts on it later, lolzies:3
My thoughts on the series as a whole
oh MAAN one of my irls is a big ol fate fan n convinced me to watch fate apocrpyhia with the warning it was ! very mid and holy freaking bingle ive never wished something was so good so bad before (sonic fan.liar.) LIKE THE CONCEPT IS SO FUNYS IT RULES BUT THE SHOW. IS.SO INSANELY MID LIKE !!! ok so for those who arent familiar with fate !!!! Afaik there's this thang called the smth smth Grail War or swagevrs n during that 7 mages summon 7 servants, all of which are random heroes throughout history or mythology all of which have to fill a class, another 7 mages summoning 7 servants with each side having one of each class im p sure ??? One saber, one rider, one archer, one caster, one beserker, n one assassin! The mages command the servants BUT the servants aren't like, *forced* to listen to the mages! They still have free will and will 100% go by their old ideals from their pasts, however the mages are given 3 uses of a "command spell" which they, from what ive seen at the least, can be used to force a servant to do something even if it goes against their ideals, OR buff their servant kinda?? It's weird fsdl;gskl;d, also fate is set in the modern world. kinda!!! like from a google parts are set in like, 2004 which IS SO FUCKIGNS FUNY.OHMY GOSH . every servant is given SOME knowledge of the modern world to counteract this, but they're still NEW to the modern world, and whilst it's not like a big thing because they've been gifted knowledge they've still never seen it before! There's one scene where a servant complains about architecture not changing much from their time/in 1000 years because they're hanging out in a castle and the servant wanted to go in a city or smth. ALSO THE SERVANTS !!!!!!!111 AOUGH the show's writing is SOOO DOGWATER but some (and "some" is doing SRS heavily lifting here like. glares at jack the ripper you sucked ass why the hell did u exist. that was rly weird ! and creepy !) characters are SOOOO FUNNNN IIRC the servants that've been summoned so far, in the anime im watchin rn, are William Shakespeare (Caster) Achilles (Rider) Chiron (Archer) Siegfreid (Saber) Frankenstein (Beserker AND ALSO TECHNICALLY FRANKENSTEIN'S MONSTER BUT. it feels kinda weird to call her that bc her entire thing is that like, she wants to be loved as a person and not be lonely anymore fsdkgkj :sob::sob:) GuyWhosNameIDontRemember (Caster) Astolfo (Rider.yes that astolfo :sob:) ArcherWhosNameIForgor (Archer), Mordred (Saber), Spartacus (Beserker) and also jack the ripper (assassin) and another assassin i forgor fsdklg;dsfg N LIKE !!! HOLY HECKIN BINGLE SOME OF EM RULEEEEEE LIKE !! Mordred RULESSS, he's like literally just canonically transmasc. his whole thang is he wants to be king SOO bad and he's like SO swag its unreal. ALSO !!! HIS MAGE THAT HE WORKS WITH IS A SLEAZEBAG NECROMANCER WHO WEARS SUNGLASSES AND A LEATHER JACKET AND SMOKES AND USES A SHOTGUN THAT SHOOTS REANIMATED BODY PARTS AND THROWS FLESH GRENADES. IM GOIGNS 2 B SO FUCKIGN REAL THAT'S THE COOLEST SHIT IN THE WORLD TBH. HE FUCKIGN RULESS AND HIS DYNAMIC WITH MORDRED IS LIKE ABSOLUTELY HILARIOUS THEY'RE SO SO SOOO SWAG N FUN N AMAZINGGG ILOVETGHEMS ILOVETGHEMS ILOVETGHEMSS Achilles is A TOTAL LIL SHIT I LOVE HIM SM FSDGK;DLJSDFKL;GFDKLJ;GSFDG HES SOO SILAYSS :3:3:333 also WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE. IS SUCH A LITTLE SHIT.ADNS FUCKIGN HILARIOUS.like its so funy to me just him Being There.hey whats up willy shakeboy. ALSO ASTOLFO IS SO FUN??? like her (I. dont know what pronouns to use for astolfo if im being real fsdk;gdjkl;sfg so i'm just using the pronouns that she's been referred to in the series so far with! fsdk;gdkf) whole thang is that she kindaa represents hope? Like she frequently goes against orders, blatantly commiting treason and just doing whatever she wants and she saves some prisoner of the side she's supposed to work for n tells him to live and GODDILOVED THIS ONE QUOTE . he could only live for 3 or so years and so believed his life was practically worthless AND said he didn't even have anything he wanted to live for, he didn't have a single wish and didn't know what to do. and she told him then just live for the sake of living!!! that it's simply human nature to want to live!!!! that you don't NEED a purpose to live!!!! you can just live for the sake of living!!! get silly w/it!!! SHES LIKE SO COOL KINDA?? ALSO HOLY SHIT i HAATE "astolfo is a femboy LOL :joy::joy:" jokes so fuckign bad bc like THERE'S SO MUCH MORE FUNNIER SHIT THAT HAPPENS ITS WILD. ASTOLFO GETS KNOCKED OUT OF THE SKY AND ALMOST GETS HIT BY A SHITTY RUN DOWN CAR FROM 2004. SHE CANONICALLY COMMITS TREASON JUST FOR THE SILLAYS. THE CAR SHE GOT HIT BY WASNT EVEN TRYING TO HIT HER AND WAS JUST DRIVEN BY A KNIGHT OF THE ROUND TABLE WHO HAD NO IDEA HOW TO DRIVE AND JUST SAID HE DID BECAUSE HE KNOWS HOW TO RIDE HORSES AND THEN IMMEDIATELY GOT OUT OF THE CAR AND STARTED FIGHTING ASTOLFO. i feel like this show is unintentionally hilarious at times n it RULESSSS !!!!!!!!1 like i dont think i'd recommend the show as it's like. INSANELY MID. there's so so SO much bad writing and shitty voice acting and just like. straight up weird as fuck moments/characters that i hate so bad ! BUT GOD. IWISH IT WAS GOOD SOOOOO BAD TGHE CONCEPT IS SO SO SOFUCKIGN FUNY ILOVE IT
My thoughts on Sieg
it's like when he was FIRST introduced he was an artificial human who . somehow !! managed to break free from this big ol prison thang where a bunch of artificial humans were being used as like. batteries for magic iirc?? and then after escaping the prison he kinda just walked around the castle he was inside for a lil while til he collapsed and astolfo found him, eventually they both escaped in the middle of the night whilst spartacus (beserker of red, wasn't SUPPOSED to attack but went rebellious and tried to destroy anything he saw, eventually got captured because of this) attacked the castle they were residing in, however as astolfo and sieg went to escape sieg kinda felt like he should've just died because he didn't have a purpose in life!!! he, due to the nature of his creation as an artificial human, couldn't live for longer than 3 years, and so he believed his life was completely worthless!!!! he didn't know what to do, he didn't have any wishes and so he believed that caused his life to be completely worthless, however astolfo tells him that if he doesn't have a reason for living, then he can just live for the sake of living, astolfo tells him that it's simply in human nature to WANT to live and that he didn't need a purpose to live!!! he didn't need any wishes for his life to be worthwhile, and that he can just live for the sake of living, he can just live!!! he doesn't need any reason to!!! it doesn't make his life any less worthwhile!!! he can just live!! and it RULED, sieg ended up escaping and went to live his life!! he found somewhere to stay and was just allowed to LIVE!! and it RULEDDDSSS HOWEVER then at the end of s1 he goes to help astolfo fight a war, gets killed, then like, LITEARLLY LIKE 4-5 MINUTES LATER. comes back to life as Super Op Generic Anime Guy and iirc he knows his wish now and his purpose of living and its like. Man. he COULD'VE been a good character what the HELL!!!111
Some thoughts on Astolfo
ASTOLFOOOOOO ILOVE YOUUUU the internet iwill never forgive you for what you did to astolfo /silly. Astolfo is SUUUCH a swag character thignys who's trapped in a transphobic ass series !!! she's literally SOO swag and i LOOVE her as a representation of hope SO much you have NO idea !!! girlie is literally the like a physical representation of hope; chaotic, violent, free, impulsive, and surviving !!!! She's SOO fun n sillay and I'm SOOO OBESSEDS W/HER,.,.,.,.,i SOSOSOSOOSADORES how free she is !!! i heckinb LOVBE how she blatantly ignores orders for her own goals !!! how she doesn't really even HAVE many goals !!! how she's just going on impulses, how she's so confidently and unabashedly HERSELF!!!! also "WANTING to live is human nature!" KILLS ME SOSOOSOSBADS. ILOVBEYUO ASTOLFOILOVEYUOILOVEYUOILOVEYUOOOSOSOSSMUCHSSFORREALSIESSOMGOMGGSIES:3:33:33!11X33 HECKK YAA OMGOMGOMGGSIESS:3:3:33!11X33 i WIISH i cuolds writes more abts her rns but my brains is hurtys,..,.,!!11X333