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Well, some user on the internet, you have no idea how important of a question that is to me. I will start kicking my legs and giggling and rambling about this series I hold so close to me. This is me when u ask me abt Guilty Gear btw.

What is Guilty Gear, though?

Guilty Gear is a fighting game made by Daisuke Ishiwatari and Arc System Works. However, it's, so much more. I don't consider myself a big fighting game gal; However, Guilty Gear is a big interest of mine- Purely for the lore. It's in-depth, long, highly detailed lore, also just "Rule of Cool" sometimes. It fucks SO incredibly hard I prommy. Guilty Gear usually focuses on the protagonist, Sol Badguy, everyone's favourite trans butch he/any lesbian. The...uhmm. Let's just...say the game focuses on his...relationship. With his friends...specifically Aria. Uhm. Yeah. Sol is the prototype Gear, being (technically) the first Gear, although Justice is the first complete Gear. He's also the Flame of Corruption up until Strive, the wielder of the Outrage, a scientist, a hobbyist, a freelancer, and a big Queen fan...and Freddie Mercury.

Sol's "real name"- Badguy being a name given to him by the underworld, and Sol being a name given to him by Slayer, a powerful vampire (Which are also known as Nightless), who had seen what Sol had done, and decided to bestow upon him a new name, Sol. (Oh, and Badguy/Mr.Badguy is a reference to Freddie Mercury- and a certain Queen song! ;3c)- is Frederick Bulsara, literally...named directly after Freddie Mercury. Oh, and GG World in Strive also says that his name is occassionaly shortened to Freddy fsjksdfgh.

However, Guilty Gear is's...


It's...a long story. Both figuratively and literally, taking into the account the game's multiple-hour-long story modes (Eg: Xrd, Strive). But...let's start somewhere at the beginning. ...However, before we dive into our first adventure/game/random girl infodumping to you through html over the internet, tunes 4 u! :3c Holy Orders (Be Just Or Be Dead), Ky's Guilty Gear: The Missing Link theme, and Keep Yourself Alive, Sol's theme from Guilty Gear: The Missing Link! UwU ! !

Guilty Gear, the Missing Link- The first Guilty Gear game in the series, and where we're starting with this explanation.

Years after Justice's sealing- and the subsequent end of the Crusades- began the Second Holy Order Selection Tournament. Hosted by Testament (The now-Gear child of Kliff Undersn) as a front to revive Justice, many contestants from a variety of backgrounds made their way towards the tournament, each with their own goals- and suspicions- in mind. However, only one contestant made it to the end of the tournament. Sol Badguy. Winning the tournament, Testament reveals themselves- and their plan to revive Justice- to Sol, stating that "All that's required is the blood of one more sacrifice!". Sol, the Flame of Corruption and Prototype Gear, didn't fall to Testament, however, Testament using their own blood as a sacrifice. Shortly after Justice's freedomm, though, she is killed by Sol Badguy.

Sol Badguy defeating Justice as depicted in his Guilty Gear ending (1), and Sol Bearguy for emotional support(2) (You're gonna need him. Sorry ;3c).

Sol Badguy as depicted in Guilty Gear 2: Overture.

An aggressive striker who beats the the opponent down with style.

A blunt and short-tempered man. He only speaks when required, and uses as few words as he can get away with. He's not very good at explaining things, so he prefers to express himself with his aggressive behavior and attitude.
While most see him as selfish and violent, those closest to him accept him for who he is.

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Dragon Install as depicted in Guilty Gear 2: Overture (2) and Guilty Gear Xrd (1).

Upon removing his headband (Also known as his "Gear Cell Suppressor"), Sol unleashes his unrestrained power as a Gear, transforming himself and gaining a different form, including dragon-like qualities (Eg; Claws, occassionaly wings.). An in-game effect of Dragon Install, upon transformation and removal of the Gear Cell Supressor, Ride the Fire- Sol's Dragon Install theme- begins to play.

Ky Kiske as depicted in Star Ocean Anamnesis.

A classic all-rounder with excellent moves.

A serious man who dedicates himself completely to his work, the people, and his morals.
His love for justice and determination to help those less fortunate is reflected in all aspects of his life. On the other hand, this also means he can show rather extreme dislike for anything that disrupts the peace or breaks the rules. After taking his position as King, this enthusiasm shifted into a broader perspective, allowing him to see the world from a variety of viewpoints. This isn't to say, however, that he can't still come off as naïve and emotional at times.

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Ky Kiske's Dragon Install as depicted in Guilty Gear Strive (1) and a countdown illustration by Taisuke Kanasaki. (2).

After replacing one of his eyes with the eye of his quarter-gear son, Sin Kiske, (Whilst giving Sin one of his own eyes in return) Ky, utilizing the blood of Juno from the eye, is capable of using Dragon Install. Unlike Sol, Ky does not use a Gear Cell Suppressor, instead suppressing it with sheer force of will. Ky's Dragon Install has no theme, although The Name of Heaven begins to play during his fight against I-no in Strive, the first canonical use of his Dragon Install.